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Working with logging frameworks

In this tutorial, we'll see how to log instances of value objects.

Writing to the console

In a new console application, add a NuGet reference to Vogen, and create:

[ValueObject<int>] public readonly partial struct Age { }

Now, create an instance and write it to the console:

var age = Age.From(42); Console.WriteLine("Age is " + age);

As expected, you'll see:

Age is 42

Vogen generates a default ToString method that looks like this:

public override string ToString() =>_isInitialized ? Value.ToString() : "[UNINITIALIZED]";

If the value is uninitialized, for example, through deserialization, then it writes uninitialized, otherwise, it uses the underlying type's ToString method.

It is possible to override ToString—for example, you might want to pad the value with zeroes. Add the following method to Age above:

[ValueObject<int>] public readonly partial struct Age { public override string ToString() =>_isInitialized ? Value.ToString("D4") : "[UNINITIALIZED]"; }

That will now print:

Age is 0042

Using the default logging framework

Next, we'll log values out using the default .NET logging framework.

Add NuGet references to:

  • Microsoft.Extensions.Logging

  • Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Console

Next, add a namespace reference to Microsoft.Extensions.Logging and create an instance of a logger that writes to the console:

using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using var loggerFactory = LoggerFactory.Create(builder => { builder.AddConsole(); }); ILogger logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger<Program>();

Now, change the Console.WriteLine to:

logger.LogInformation($"Age is {Age}", age);

The output is something like this:

info: Program[0] Age is 0042

So far, we've used the standard .NET logger to write to a console, and we've written a value object using structured logging.

Next, we'll look more at structured logging and switch to Serilog, a common choice for .NET.

Structured logging with Serilog

Structure logging is supported by the default .NET logger. The structured properties are inside 'index placeholders', for example, {Age} above. The default logger supports structured logging. However, it can't fully use structured data. For this, we'll use Serilog.

  • create a new console app

  • add NuGet packages for Vogen, Serilog, and Serilog.Sinks.Console

  • create the Age value object from above

Add the following initialization:

using Serilog; using Vogen; Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration() .Enrich.FromLogContext() .WriteTo.Console() .CreateLogger(); Age age = Age.From(42); Log.Information("Age is {Age}", age);

Run it again, and you'll see something like this:

[06:24:32 INF] Age is 0042

Let's create a bit more structure. Add a Person object:

public record Person(string Name, Age Age) { }

Replace what is logged with:

Log.Information("Person is {Person}", new Person("Joe", age));

You'll see:

[06:26:32 INF] Person is Person { Name = Joe, Age = 0042 }

In Serilog and some other .NET logging libraries that support structured logging, the @ character in a placeholder is called the destructuring operator. When you use the @ character before a placeholder, it tells the logging system to serialize the object completely instead of just calling ToString(). This means the complete state of the object is logged, which can give you much more useful information for complex objects.

In our simple example, changing the logging line to:

Log.Information("Person is {@Person}", new Person("Joe", age));

Results in:

Person is {"Name": "Joe", "Age": {"Value": 42, "$type": "Age"}, "$type": "Person"}

You can see that Name is written as: Joe. But Age is written as: {"Value": 42, "$type": "Age"}

You might find this output too detailed for value objects and that it pollutes the logs.

We can tell Serilog to use the simpler format for value objects generated by Vogen.

Add the following Destructure line to the initialization:

Log.Logger = new LoggerConfiguration() .Enrich.FromLogContext() .WriteTo.Console() .Destructure.With(new VogenDestructuringPolicy()) .CreateLogger();

And add this type to the project:

public class VogenDestructuringPolicy : IDestructuringPolicy { public bool TryDestructure( object value, ILogEventPropertyValueFactory propertyValueFactory, out LogEventPropertyValue result) { if(value.GetType().GetCustomAttribute( typeof(ValueObjectAttribute)) is ValueObjectAttribute) { result = new ScalarValue(value.ToString()); return true; } result = null; return false; } }

Now, run again, and see that our value object Age is written more simply:

Person is {"Name": "Joe", "Age": "0042", "$type": "Person"}

In this tutorial, we've seen how to log value objects to the console and to the default logger. We've also seen how to use structured logging and how to customize the output of value objects written to Serilog.

Last modified: 13 February 2025