Vogen Help


Each value object can have its own optional configuration. Examples include:

  • The underlying type

  • Any 'conversions' (Dapper, System.Text.Json, Newtonsoft.Json, etc.) - see Integrations in the wiki for more information

  • The type of the exception that is thrown when validation fails

Default values are inferred from global configuration. Global configuration is specified as an assembly level attribute. Here's an example:

[assembly: VogenDefaults( underlyingType: typeof(int), conversions: Conversions.Default, throws: typeof(ValueObjectValidationException))]

Most values are present in both ValueObject and VogenDefaults. The parameters for the ValueObject attribute are:

  • underlyingType—the type of the primitive that is being wrapped—defaults to int

  • conversions - specified what conversion code is generated - defaults to Conversions.Default which generates type converters and a converter to handle serialization using System.Text.Json

  • throws = specifies the type of exception thrown when validation fails—defaults to ValueObjectValidationException

  • customizations—simple customization switches—defaults to Customizations.None,

  • deserializationStrictness - specifies how strict deserialization is, e.g. should your Validate method be called, or should pre-defined instances that otherwise invalid be allowed - defaults to DeserializationStrictness.AllowValidAndKnownInstances

  • debuggerAttributes - specifies the level that debug attributes are written as some IDEs don't support all of them, e.g., Rider - defaults to DebuggerAttributeGeneration.Full which generates DebuggerDisplay and a debugger proxy type for IDEs that support them

  • comparison—species which comparison code is generated—defaults to ComparisonGeneration.UseUnderlying which hoists any IComparable implementations from the primitive

  • stringComparers - specifies which string comparison code is generated—defaults to StringComparersGeneration.Omit, which doesn't generate anything related to string comparison

  • toPrimitiveCasting - specifies the type of casting from wrapper to primitive - defaults to CastOperator.Explicit,

  • fromPrimitiveCasting - specifies the type of casting from primitive to wrapper - default to CastOperator.Explicit

  • parsableForStrings - specifies what is generated for IParsable types for strings - defaults to ParsableForStrings.GenerateMethodsAndInterface

  • parsableForPrimitives - specifies what is generated for Parse and TryParse methods - defaults to ParsableForPrimitives.HoistMethodsAndInterfaces

  • tryFromGeneration - specifies what to write for TryFrom methods—defaults to TryFromGeneration.GenerateBoolAndErrorOrMethods

  • isInitializedMethodGeneration - specifies whether to generate an IsInitialized() method - defaults to IsInitializedMethodGeneration.Generate

  • primitiveEqualityGeneration - specified whether to generate primitive comparison operators.

The values that are specified only to global configuration are:

  • systemTextJsonConverterFactoryGeneration - determines whether to write a factory for STJ converters which are useful as a replacement to Reflect in AOT/trimmed scenarios—defaults to SystemTextJsonConverterFactoryGeneration.Generate

  • staticAbstractsGeneration - determines whether to write static abstract code - defaults to StaticAbstractsGeneration.Omit

  • openApiSchemaCustomizations - determines what is generated to assist in OpenAPI scenarios, for instance, generate a schema filter for Swashbuckle, or generate an extension method with MapType calls - defaults to OpenApiSchemaCustomizations.Omit

  • explicitlySpecifyTypeInValueObject - specifies whether individual value objects should explicitly define the primitive type that they wrap - defaults to false

  • disableStackTraceRecordingInDebug - disables stack trace recording; in Debug buids, a stack trace is recorded and is thrown in the exception when something is created in an uninitialized state, e.g. after deserialization

Several code analysis warnings exist for invalid configuration, including:

  • when you specify an exception that does not derive from System.Exception

  • when your exception does not have one public constructor that takes an int

  • when the combination of conversions does not match an entry

Last modified: 13 February 2025